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Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« on: March 19, 2018, 08:08:00 PM »

WASHINGTON, Oct. 7 (Xinhua) -- U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday joined other Republican leaders in their condemnation of lewd comments about women made by the party's presidential nominee Donald Trump, and said Trump would not be attending a planned joint event for Saturday in Wisconsin.

The event had been expected as Ryan's first joint appearance with Trump in a bid to show the party's unity in a key battleground state one day ahead of Sunday night's second presidential debate. '

"I am sickened by what I heard today. Women are to be championed and revered, not objectified," Ryan said in a statement.

"I hope Mr. Trump treats this situation with the seriousness it deserves and works to demonstrate to the country that he has greater respect for women than this clip suggests." ' In a leaked audio clip recorded in 2005, Trump made lewd remarks about an unidentified married woman he hoped to have sex with, boasted about how easy it is to attract women with his celebrity status and even talked about groping women.

When you're a star, women let you do anything, he was recorded.

The New York billionaire later apologized for the "locker room banter" in the audio, but claimed that his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, "has said far worse to me on the golf course -- not even close."

However, Trump's bid to shift the focus seems to have failed as the chair of the Republican National Committee, Reince Priebus, together with a number of other influential Republican lawmakers, released statements blasting the billionaire. Some of them even urged Trump to quit the presidential race.

"No woman should ever be described in these terms or talked about in this manner. Ever," Priebus said in a statement.

Trump is "a malignant clown" that is "unfit to be president of the United States," said Republican Senator Mark Kirk.

Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the top-ranking Republican woman in the House of Representatives, said that Trump's comments of that nature have "no place in public or private conversations."

During the first presidential debate last month, Trump was attacked by Hillary Clinton for his comments about a Miss Universe winner whom he called "Miss Piggy" after she gained weight. Trump said earlier this week that some of his past comments about women were for purposes of "entertainment."

An NBC NewsSurvey Monkey poll taken after the debate showed 27 percent of likely female voters said the debate made them think worse of Trump. About 30 percent said their opinion of Clinton has improved.

KIGALI Femme Nike Air Max 270 Trainers Rose Clair Grise Pas Cher , April 12 (Xinhua) -- Twenty-one years after the genocide against Tutsis in Rwanda, citizens of the tiny East African country are divided over how to preserve the victims' remains.

Some believe that the remains must be kept as they are, in an ongoing memorial to the 1994 tragedy.

In addition, the Rwandan government and many victims' families also feel that burying the bones would wipe out some of the proof that genocide took place in the country.

This is because Femme Nike Air Max 270 Coral Stardust Pas Cher , there are fears that such burials would help the cause of those who seek to promote genocide denial while minimizing the impact of the massacres.

"To make these bones disappear would simply mean killing off the memory of the Tutsi genocide," says Julienne Uwacu, the minister of Sports and Culture who is also charge of preserving the memorial sites.

Adds Jean Damascene Bizimana, the Executive Secretary of the National Commission for the Fight against Genocide (CNLG) Nike Air Max 270 Trainers Femme Rose Blanche Pas Cher , "The Nazi genocide of the Jews was immortalized by abundant works of literature, cinema and various other art forms. We, on the other hand, don't have much except the victims' remains."

These words are echoed by Steven Mudingu Homme Nike Air Max 270 Trainers Noir Rouge Pas Cher , a Rwandan who fled to Uganda before returning from exile in 1996.

"For those who did not experience the genocide, we have to say that these sites are the only thing which allows us to be somewhat less abstract about it, to have a more or less concrete idea of what it was," Mudingu says.

Still Homme Nike Air Max 270 Hot Punch Noir Pas Cher , others claim that burying the bones would be a step towards helping the country overcome the genocide.

"These sites will always be there to remind us, our children and our grandchildren that 'You vile Hutus, this is what you did to the Tutsis'," says Francis Mutemberezi Homme Nike Air Max 270 Flyknit Tiger Noir Orange Pas Cher , who was charged with genocide, and released on bail in 2004.

For the sake of national reconciliation, Mutemberezi thinks the bones should be buried in order to "put the genocide behind us."

More than 1 million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were murdered by Hutu militants in 1994. The killing spree began after a plane carrying Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and his Burundian counterpart, Cyprien Ntaryamira Homme Nike Air Max 270 Trainers Foncé Bleu Blanche Pas Cher , was shot down over the Rwandan capital, Kigali, by suspected Hutu extremists.

The remains of genocide victims are scattered in many sites and genocide memorials across the tiny East African nation. Certain massacres occurred in churches, which continue to display the decomposed bodies. In other instances Homme Nike Air Max 270 Ocean Bliss Pas Cher , skulls, tibias – even whole skeletons – are laid out in rows, in buildings where killings occurred.

In the Catholic church of Ntarama some 40 kilometers east of Kigali, bodies are arranged between benches – still clothed in the garments they wore at the time of the massacre.

A large hole dug in one of the walls of the building tells the story of how the killers were able to get in. Plates with traces of food suggest that the murders took place in the middle of a meal.

The Catholic church Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher , has been the scene of a massacre. One of the skeletons in its basement bears signs of sexual assault: three large pieces of wood stick out from the pelvis, between the two tucked-in thighbones.

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2019, 12:13:21 PM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2019, 07:28:28 PM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2019, 09:33:27 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2020, 12:32:05 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2020, 12:33:36 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2020, 12:34:58 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2020, 12:36:27 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2020, 12:37:58 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2020, 12:39:23 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2020, 12:40:50 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2020, 12:42:21 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2020, 12:43:47 AM »

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Re: Homme Nike Air Max 270 Camo Heel Pas Cher
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2020, 12:45:13 AM »