DDR-GDR ZTP — Die Anwendung der

Explanation of the reference numbers

The application of the value metrics

The previously common designation of the anatomical structure of the dog and its nature always suffered from the linguistic versatility that was inherent in the judge and never allowed the reader of a licensing certificate or the interested breeder at the exhibition a clear and concise idea, because the linguistic designation used was versatile Interpretation made possible. It was still impossible to get very clear, characteristic details about the real appearance from the breeding certificate or from the pedigree itself, quite apart from the fact that the hereditary factors were not highlighted at all. The introduction of value metrics via:

  • the format (1st column),
  • the constitution (2nd column),
  • the body structure (3rd column).
  • the essence (4th column)

which was first tried out with great success in 1949 on the occasion of the “central licensing in the GDR region”, which met with unanimous applause from the breeders, the licensing masters, the breeding and performance judges.

The result of the assessment of format, performance structure, body structure and character is expressed when using value indicators by a four-digit number, each of which gives a value assessment. A solution has thus been found that, when applied hard and objectively, leads to a clearly clear identification of the breeding animal, so that the interpretation of different linguistic terms can no longer appear so confusing. In addition, the existing differences between the breeding partners are clearly highlighted. The allocation of the value indicators on the licensing and breeding suitability tests serves to identify our breeding material so convincingly that it is perfect for outsidersa clear idea is assured, which does not allow any ambiguous interpretation

The value indicators, which will become an integral part of the name of the breeding animal, will finally shape our pedigree from the meaningless dead “only – registration” of ancestors to the living source of knowledge about the appearance (phenotype) and the hereditary pattern (genotype) of the ancestors and of their blood strains, which until now came from more or less subjectively colored judgments.

For the value assessment of the value numbers, it should be noted that the number 5 means the best breeding performance, 4-0 as 6-9 express deviations. The usually noticeable and also healthy middle position of 3-7 thus also characterizes the spread in breeding.

Method of checking the behavior and protective service in the breeding suitability test (ZTP) and licensing

The starting point (point “A”) and the following distances must be marked:

  • At the ZTP: point “B” = 20 m, point “C” = 45 m and point “D” = 60 m; (AB 20 C 45 D 60)
  • At the licensing: point “B” = 45 m, point “C” = 70 m and point “D” = 90 m. (AB 45 C 70 D 90)

The characteristics for a certain number at the ZTP and the licensing are the same, only the requirements for the dog in the two tests are different.

Based on the delimitation of the two rating numbers for severity and hardness, which are specified in the number range 1 to 5, the number for the severity is determined first when checking the protection service. The handler takes his dog up at point “A”. The apparent offender thoroughly stimulates the dog from point “B”. The dog will only be forwarded when the pseudo-offender has reached point “D”. For the execution of the long escape, the numbers from 1 to 5 are used for the sharpness:


Number 1 (no sharpness)
The dog does not pursue the apparent offender or does not bite.

Number 2 (little sharpness)
The dog pursues the pseudo-offender, but only bites weakly.

Number 3 (sufficient sharpness)
The dog adapts to the speed of the fleeing person before the bite and bites well.

Number 4 (good sharpness)
The dog pursues the fleeing man up to the bite with undiminished speed, thus hits the apparent offender with force, whereby he bites very well.

Number 5 (very good sharpness)
This number can only be assigned if the licensing requirements are more stringent. With undiminished speed and when the dog with great force prevents the flight from continuing.

After the dog has run away, he is always picked up by the dog handler, who again takes up position at point “A”. The apparent perpetrator incites the dog a second time, this time from point “C” and flees. After the dog has reached point “B”, the pseudo-criminal turns around and attacks the forehead, for which the number of hardness is given.

The forehead attack at the ZTP differs significantly in the type of execution from that at the licensing. In the ZTP, the pseudo-offender runs towards the dog, performs clearly visible punching movements, but does not hit the dog. The dog is opposed to a slight resistance.

At the licensing, however, the sleeve must be hidden behind the back. The apparent perpetrator tries to drive the dog away vigorously with 3 blows of the stick, whereby the dog receives one blow before it bites and two blows after it bites. The dog should withstand the frontal attack and break through the blow. The number for the hardness is assigned here.


Number 1 (no hardship)
The dog takes flight when the pseudo-offender counterattacks and runs back to the handler.

Number 2 (little toughness)
During the counter-attack, the dog runs up to the pseudo-perpetrator, does not press him, but remains out of reach and lets himself be driven in the direction imposed by the pseudo-perpetrator without leaving the pseudo-perpetrator.

Paragraph 3 (sufficient toughness)
When counterattacking, the dog presses the fictitious perpetrator within a stroke of a stick, but cannot be driven away and, when the counterattack subsides, it bites. Since the attack on the forehead is only hinted at in the ZTP (without lashes with a stick), it comes to the bite after a brief hesitation. The bite must be good.

Number 4 (good toughness)
When counterattacking, the dog continues its attack with undiminished speed up to the apparent perpetrator. There is a slight braking in the distance with a stick, whereby the attack by the dog continues in a straight direction at the pseudo-perpetrator. He works his way through the blows quickly and vigorously and bites very hard.

Number 5 (very good hardness) The hardness of
the ZTP is not assigned a 5 because the shorter distance and the indicated resistance do not justify the pronouncement of the highest degree of hardness. The hardness number 5 is only given at the licensing if the dog breaks through the blow with undiminished speed and great force and shows no signs of weakness and bites very hard.

After forgiveness of the hardship, the dog handler goes to the site, takes his dog from the pseudo offender (the dog is never called up by the pseudo offender) and sends the pseudo offender to point “A”. The dog handler goes to point “D”, puts down his dog and also goes to point “A”. If a dog does not lie down alone, it can be held at the relevant point by a stranger who, however, refrains from any influence on the dog. The assessment collective, consisting of 3 to 4 people, takes a relaxed row at point “B” between the dog handler and the dog. Now the dog is called in and his behavior is observed in the continuous row of assessors, walking towards the dog at a walking pace, speaking to him and trying toto attract him without adopting a threatening posture or causing shock. It is observed whether the dog is fearful, reserved, suspicious or benign, and assigns the corresponding basic number for the behavior (character number). It relates to the determination of the general behavior towards people and no longer to the protection service, which was already characterized by numbers for severity and severity.It relates to the determination of the general behavior towards people and no longer to the protection service, which was already characterized by numbers for severity and severity.It relates to the determination of the general behavior towards people and no longer to the protection service, which was already characterized by numbers for severity and severity.

Nevertheless, there are certain connections between the essential number and the numbers for sharpness and hardness.

The following results are possible:

       4th     6/54       
      3/55    6/44      
      3/45      6/34     
     3/54        7/43    
    3/44         7/33   
   3/34            7/23  
 3/43              7/32 
 3/33               7/22
3/23               8/12
 3/32               8/21
3/22                8/11

Example of the allocation of measured values:

“Danka vom Kalifels” SchH2
WZ 6547/33

1. Number 6: Marking for the format:

2. Number 5: Marking for the performance structure:
nobility and strength, harmony and line

3. Number 4: Marking for the physique:
good angulations

4th number 7: characterization of the being:
balanced, benign, sensitive to influences

after the slash:

1st number 3: Marking of the sharpness:
sufficient sharpness

2. Number 3: Identification of hardness:
sufficient hardness

Source: “Value measurement numbers” 2nd edition 1975
Publisher: Section Service and Working Dogs Special Breeding Association for German Shepherd Dogs